
Circular Breathing for String Orchestra, New version premiere


7 pm | St. Christopher String Orchestra Vilnius

Before Dawn , for Meitar Ensemble (2024). Premiere


6 pm | Annette Studio Tel Aviv

For Meitar Ensemble- flute , clarinet , bassoon, violin, cello, piano. Premiere 

Imaginary Figures. Amit Dolberg, piano. Tour


6 pm | Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance; Tremolo Center, Netanya; Annette Studio, Tel Aviv

Amit Dolberg, piano. 6/12 - Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, 6 pm

7/12- Tremolo Music Center, Netanya, 5 pm 

9/12- Annette Studio Tel Aviv, 8.30 pm 

Guest lecture and presentation- Manhattan School of Music, Composition Forum


12.30 pm | Miller Recital Hall, MSM, New York

Guest lecture and presentation- University of Toronto, Composers’ Forum Series


7 -9 pm | Music Faculty, U. of Toronto

Hidden Light, for Large Ensemble. 21th Century Ensemble, Zsolt Nagy, cond.


8 pm | TLV Museum

Hidden Light, for Large Ensemble


3 pm | Iowa University ,US

  Israel New Music Festival, Iowa 

Colors of Dust for fl, cl, vln, vc. pno


7.30 pm | Ensemble Reconsil, Antanina Kalechyts, cond. Austrian Premiere. Reaktor, Vienna

Hidden Light, for Large Ensemble. Revised Premiere. Meitar Ensemble, Pierre- Andre Vallade, cond.


8.30 pm | Annette Studio, Tel Aviv. CEME International New Music Festival, opening concert

Shades, for Violin, Cello, and Piano


8 pm | Annette Srudio, Tel Aviv

With the Alexander Trio

Circular Breathing, for String Orchetsra,


8 pm | Tel Aviv Conservatory

New version prtemiere. Tel Aviv Soloists, Barak Tal, cond. 

Shades.. to Colors, for Piano and Sring Quartet,


8 pm | Reaktor, Vienna

Reconsil Ensemble, Vienna 

Hidden Light , for large orchetsra (2008/2020).


8 pm | Budapest Music Center

UMZE Ensemble, Gregory Vajda, cond. European Premiere 

Solitary, I return from the night, for Soprano and Orchestra (2012 /2017)


Tel Aviv Museum

Hila Baggio, soprano, Israel Camerata Orchetsra Jerusalem, Uriel Segal, cond. 

Isarel Music Days -online Festival , broadcast by the Israel Music Institute  

Alone, I return from the night , three songs and interludesfor Soprano and Large Orchestra . 2019


20.00 | Hila Baggio- soprano. Munich Philharmonic, Omer Meir Wellber, cond.


Voyages, for Orchetsra


20.00 | Arad Philharmonic, Romania. Intrada Festival, opening concert

Colors od Dust for quintet


8 pm | Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble (MCME) .Moscow Cultural House

Fragmented Lines in Time- World Premiere


20.00 | Weimarer Land; Nemtzov& Nemtzov Gallery, Berlin

For woodwind quartet. diX Woodwind Quartet . 

Lines, Interrupted , for Violin and Strings


20.00 | Tel Aviv Conservatory Hall , 26/5. Weiss Hall Jerusalem, 29/5

Itamar Zorman, Violin, Tel Aviv Soloits Ensemble, Barak Tal, cond.  

Misterioso for Piano


8 pm | Tel Aviv Museum- Asia Gallery

Amit Dolberg, piano

Shades, for Two Violins, Cello and Piano (2018)


8 pm | Arnold Schoenberg Center, Vienna

Ensemble Viener Collage, Vienna 

Colors of Dust, for fl, cl, vln, vlc, pno. 1/2/2019


Opperman Hall, Florida State University

Meitar Ensemble, Pierre- Andre Vallade, cond. 

World Premiere- Imaginary Figures for piano.


8 pm | Florida State University

New Music Biennale , Florida State University 

Daviv Kalhous, piano 

Postlude for Large Ensemble , new version 2018


8 pm | Schoenberg Hall, Vienna; Kulturzentrum , Graz

Ensemble Zeitfluss
Edo Micic . conductor

Circular Breathing, for String Orchestra


8 pm | St, Catherine Church , Vilnius LT

 Premiere. St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra, Modestas Barkauskas, cond. 

Colors of Dust, for Fl, Cl, Vn, Vc, Pno.


8 pm

Meitar Ensemble , Constantia Gourzi, cond. 

Israel Conservatory Hall, March 2018

Misterioso for piano


Amit Dolberg, piano, Gare du Nord Festival, Basel, Switzerland

Misterioso for Piano


8 pm | Intrada festival. Timisoara, Romania

Amit Dolberg.  Intrada festival. Timisoara, Romania 

Solitary, I return from the Night. Three Songs for Soprano & Orch. Texts: David Vogel. Camerata Orch


20.30 pm | Tel Aviv Museum

Hila Baggio, soprano

The Israel Camerata Jersusalem 

Uri Segal, cond. 

Israeli Music Days Festival

Misterioso for piano. "Now" , Contemporary Israeli Music concert . Hagai Yodan, piano


20.30 pm | Tel Aviv Conservatory

Hagai Yodan, piano

Sponsored by the Israeli Composers' League 

Lines, Interrupted- Concerto for Violin and Strings


19.00 pm | Smetana Museum , Prague

Tomas Tulacek, violin

The Mosheles strings Orchetsra 

Jan Rezek, cond 

Lines, Interrupted-Concerto for Violin and Strings


19.30 pm | Janacek Academy, Brno

Tomas Tulacek, violin

The Mosheles strings Orchetsra 

Barak Tal, cond. 

Rock Expressions for Guitars and Ensemble. World Premiere


20.30 pm | Israeli Conservatory Hall, Tel Aviv

Nadav Lev, Guitars, Meitar Ensemble, Ziv cajocaru, cond.

- Opening Season concert , Meitar Ensemble, Tel Aviv

- The Israel Guitar Festival, Cultural Hall, Netanya

Contrasts in Time , for solo violin . world Premiere


18.30 pm | "Music of Changes" Festival , Klaipeda, Lithuania

World Premiere tour of Contrats in Time for solo violin. Kern Bentley- Pollick, violin, Stuart Diamond,, video art. 

- Klaipeda Music of Changes Festival.

- Vilnius Jewish Public Library

- New York, Spectrum new music series 

Double Concerto for Single Guitarist- World Premiere


20.00 pm | Jerusalem Theater- Henry Crown Hall

Nada Lev- Electric and Classical Guitars. Jerusalem Symphone Orcuetsra, Frederic Chaslin , cond.  Commissioned by the Jerusaelm Symphone Orchetsra, sponsored by the Israeli Cultural Ministry 

Concerto for Mandolin and String Orchestra- World Premiere


20.30 | Raanana Arts and Music Center, Israel

Concerto for Mandolin and String Orchetsra. 

Raanana Synphonette Orchestra. Omer Meir Wellber, cond.

Yaki Reuven , Mandolin

29, 30, June, 1 July

- Commissioned by the Adlele and John Gray Endowment Fund


Quintet (2010) for fl, cl/ glsp, vn, vc, pno


20.30 | Isreal Conservatory Hall,Tel Aviv

Quintet (2010) for fl, cl/ glsp, vn, vc, pno. Meitar Enseble, Dor Magen, cond.

End- of-season concert

Colors of Dust (2013) for fl, cl, vn, vc and pno.


Colors of Dust (2013) for fl, cl, vn, vc and pno. Meitar Ensemble, Yuval Zorn, cond.

North American Premiere:

New York Y 92nd Strret.

Also: Dartmouth College

 Banff Center, Canada

Calgary new music series, Canada

Resonating Sounds for large orchestra


21.00 | Grosses Festspielhaus

Commissioned by Daniel Barenboim and DIVAN orch.

Salzburg Festival. August 2014

Austrian Premiere


Resonating Sounds for large orchestra


19.30 | Albert Hall , London

Commissioned by Daniel Barenboim and DIVAN orch.

Albert Hall, London. August 2014

UK Premiere

Resonating Sounds, for large orchetstra


18.30 | KKL Hall, Lucerne Festival

Commissioned by Daniel Barenboim and DIVAN orch. Lucerne Festival. August 2014.

European Premiere.

Resonating Sounds, for large orchestra. World Premiere


19.00 | Colon Theater, Buenos Aires

Commissioned by the East-Western DIVAN Orchetsra.

Dedicated to Daniel Barenboim and the DIVAN Orchestra

World Premiere

Misterioso for Piano


13.00 PM | Royal Opera House, London

Also: Steinway House, London.

Hateiva , Tel Aviv.

Yuavl Zorn, Piano recital tour.

Concerto for Piano and String Orchestra - Premiere


20.30 | Jerusalem, Weiss Hall

Amit Dolberg - piano

Tel Aviv Soloists, Barak Tal, cond.

Also: Israeli Constervatory, Tel Aviv.

Rapoport Center, Haifa.

Weil Center, Kfar Shmaryahu.

- Commissioned by the Adlele and John Gray Endowment Fund


Colors of dust -Premiere


19.30 pm | Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival, YMCA

Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival -Premiere.  Roi Amotz - flute, Pascal Moragues- clarinet, Michael Barenboim- violin, Timothy Parks- cello, Yaron Kolberg- piano, Nir Cohen- cond.

Quintet, Piano& Ensemble. Ensemble Meitar, Guy Feder, cond. May 2013:
Yale University, New haven
John Hopkins University, Dartmouth
Chapelle Historique de Bon- Pasteur, Montreal

Colors of Dust (2013) for fl, cl, vn, vc and pno. Claudia Stain- flute, Pascal Moragues- clarinet. Michael Barenboim- violin, Timothy Parks- cello. Yaron Kolberg- piano. David Coleman- cond. Intonations Festival, Jewush Museum, Berlin. Premiere

Solitary, I return from the night (2012), three songs for soprano and orchestra. Texts: David Vogel. Camerata Ochestra, Ariane matiakh, cond. Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Rehovot, October 2012. Premiere  - Commissioned by the Adlele and John Gray Endowment Fund

Crystallization for large orchestra 2002), new version. Israeli Philharmonic orchestra, Maestro Zubin Mehta.cond. Tel Aviv, October 2012

Reminiscence for violin and piano. Moshe Aharonov, violin. Amit Dolberg, piano."Nuovi Spazi Musicali" Festival, Rome. October 2012

At the Gate of Darkness for mezzo soprano and ensemble. Ayelet Amotz, mezzo, ,Meitar Ensemble. Daniel Cohen, cond.  The Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival. September 2012

Encounters, for piano and two percussions players.Gili Luftos, piano. Lev Luftos and Dana Luftus, percussion. Jerusalem Music Center, May 2012. Premiere - Commissioned by the Adlele and John Gray Endowment Fund

Quintet, Piano& Ensemble. Ensemble Meitar, Guy Feder, cond.  Sounds of Israel Festival, Hamburg.; New Music Festival, Dresden. Febryary 2012

Quintet, Piano& Ensemble. Ensemble Meitar, Guy Feder, cond.  "Desert Sounds" Festival, Sde Boker. January 2012

Allegretto Misterioso for Two Pianos.Yuval Admoni an Tami Kanazawa, pianos. Hateiva, June 2011. Premiere  - Commissioned by the Adlele and John Gray Endowment Fund

Postlude, for a large ensmble. Meitar ensemble and guests. Einav Music Hall, Tel Aviv; Jerusalem Theatre. February 2011. Premiere

Two Pieces for Piano. Chag Hamusika, Tel Aviv Museum, October 2010

Crystallisation for large orchestra. Rishon LeZion Orchestra, Ilan Volkov, cond.  May 2010. Premiere

Quintet, Piano& Ensemble. Ensemble Meitar.  Israel Music Conservatory Concert Series, Einav Hall Tel Aviv, January 2010. Premiere

Misterioso for piano. Amit Dolberg, piano.  Contemporary Music Festival, Latvia. October 2009;  Hateiva,Tel Aviv( as part of Trio Mouzar concert). June 2009

At the Gate of Darkness, for mezzo soprano, flute, clarinet, bassoon, violin, cello and piano; Meitar Ensemble. Hag Hamusika, Givataim Theatre. September 2009

At the Gate of Darkness ,Meitar Ensemble. Jerusalem Music Center; Hateiva, Tel Aviv. May 2009

Reminiscence for violin and piano. Moshe Aharonov, violin. Amit Dolberg, piano. Hateiva. September 2008

Misterioso for piano. Amit Dolberg, piano. Hateiva; Jerusalem Music center. June 2008

Shades... to Colors for Piano and String Quartet (2003).  Meitar Ensemble.Musée d'art et d'histoire du Judaïsme , Paris. April 2008

Shades... to Colors; Tel Aviv Chamber Music Society. Einav Hall, Tel Aviv. March 2008

Or Haganuz, for large ensemble; 21st Century Ensemble, Doron Salomon, cond. Hateiva; Jerusalem Music Center (Heritage Memorial Fund& America- Israel Cultural Fund. February 2008

Circles in Time for fl,cl,vc,prc,pno; Nouvel Ensemble Moderne, Lorraine Vaillacourt, cond; Universite de Montreal. Contemporary Music Week. November 2007

Voyages for Orchestra. Revised version, Israeli Premiere.Be'er Sheva Sinfonietta, Doron Solomon, cond. Hag Hamusika, Be'er Sheva. September 2007

At the Gate of Darknessfor mezzo soprano, fl, cl, bsn, vn, vc and pno. Synergy ensemble, Los Angeles. May 2007

Misterioso for piano; Amit Dolberg,piano; Levontin 7, Tel Aviv. December 2006

Reminiscence for Violin and Piano; Moshe Aharonov (violin) and Amit Dolberg (piano) Biennale-Festival of New Music, opening concert, Tel Aviv Museum. November 2006

Reminiscence for Violin and Piano; Moshe Aharonov and Amit Dolberg; ISAM Festival, Michelstadt, Germany. August 2006

Dialogues for Piano and Chamber Ensemble. 21st Century Ensemble, Zsolt Nasy, cond. Jerusalem Music Center; Tel Aviv Museum. June 2006

At the Gate of Darkness, for mezzo soprano, fl, cl, bsn, vn, vc and pno.Meitar Ensemble. Jerusalem Music Center; Einav Center, Tel Aviv. May 2006. Premiere

Reminiscence for Violin and Piano. Assaf Levi and Amit Dolberg. March 2006

Tempera, Finland. Helsinki Museum, Finland. Royal Academy, Stockholm. Jewish Museum, London. Guildhall Music School, London. Keel University, Keel, England. Ha'teiva, Tel Aviv- Yaffo. Premiere

Shades... to Colors for Piano and String Quartet (2003. Musica Nova Group. Felicia Blumenthal Hall, Tel Aviv; Ha'teiva. February 2006

Circles in Time for fl,cl,vc,prc,pno. Kaprizma Ensemble; Jerusalem Music Center. June 2005

Shades... to Colors for piano and string quartet. Porin String Quartet, Srebrenka Poljak, piano; 2005 ISCM World Music Days, Zagreb; Matica Hrvatska Hall. April 2005

Circles in Time; Musica Nova Ensemble, Constantia Gorcki, cond. Tel Aiv Museum. March 2004

Shades... to Colors  for piano and string quartet; Israel Contemporary String Quartet, Yuval Admoni, piano.Jerusalem Music Center . March 2003. Premiere

Voyages for orchestra; Bucharest Academy Orchestra, Dorel Pascu, cond. George Enescu Hall, Bucharest. March 2003

Misterioso for piano; Jana Macharakova, piano. Contemporary Music Week, Martinu Hall, Prague. December 2002

Misterioso for piano; Bart Berman, piano. Felicia Blumenthal Hall, Tel Aviv.December 2002

Misterioso for piano. the 10th Festival-Biennialof New Music. Opperman MusicHall, Tallahassee. January 2001

Misterioso for piano. Ido Ariel, piano.Weiss Hall, Jerusalem. February 2000   

Voyages for orchestra. McGill University Chamber Orchestra .Stewart Grant, cond. Pollack Hall, Montreal. February 1999. Premiere

Dialogues for piano and chamber ensemble;Johanna Sobkowska,piano. Festival-Biennial ofNew Music, Florida State University, Opperman Hall, Tallahassee. February 1999  

Misterioso for piano; Daniel Wiessner, piano. Dvorak Museum, Prague - July 1998

Dialogues, for piano and chamber ensemble. McGill Contemporary Music Ensemble Denys Bouliane, cond. Pollack Hall, Montreal. April 1998. Premiere


Double Concerto for Single Guitarist

20.00 pm | Henry Crown Hall, Jerusalem

Commissioned by the Jerusaelm Symphony Orchetsra, Frederic Chaslin, cond.

Nadav Lev, Electric Guitar, Classical Guitar and Electronics 

Misterioso for piano solo

8 pm | University of Music and Theatre Leipzig.

Amit Dolberg, piano recital